Wednesday, October 24, 2012

She's Baaaaaacccckkkk!!! Pt. 1

Hello Socialites!!!

It's been quite some time since I graced you with my presence, so I decided to take some time out to say hello and to catch you up on all of this Socialite's life adventures as of late...

I honestly can't belive that its been almost seven and a half months since I last blogged (insert bad blogger admonishment here)...BUT during that time, quite a bit has transpired!!!

Most importantly, the Self-Made Socialite is officially a MRS (and babymomma NO MORE, LOL)!!! On June 22, 2012 my wonderful Husband and I pledged eternity to each other in a very small and intimate Wedding Ceremony.  It was was was emotional...and it was just the ceremony that we needed.  I am forever indebted to all of our loving family and friends that helped to make our day so very's definitely one that we will lovingly remember for the rest of our lives.

 So, as a new Mrs., I've been inspired to learn as much as I can about what it takes to ensure that the union between my Husband and I is one that is resilient and lasts a lifetime.  I've read a couple of books (and intend to read more), read a few blogs, and have talked to quite a few married couples and individuals...what I can surmise for now, is that Marriage is a journey, and its success (or demise) all lies within that journey and how we handle everything (both good and bad) that comes our way.  Needless to say, I'm ready, excited, and a bit scared...cause let's face it...being a WIFE is a big deal!

About two months after my Wedding and after much contemplation, I decided to end my love affair with relaxing my hair...that's right, this self-proclaimed "creamy-crack" addict became a (somewhat reluctant) naturalista!

In addition to being a "creamy-crack" addict, I also have a love affair with weave...I can't think of a more protective and versatile style for my hair, and have been weaving off and on for the past few years.  BUT during the past year or so, what I have found, is that my relaxed hair does not like weave that much...after some bad breakage from two different sew-ins, I decided to give my hair a rest and try to recuperate it by cutting it short...and boy did I love my short do!!!  But since I am not talented enough to do my hair myself and I couldn't afford weekly trips to the salon, I concluded that a short and stylish do just wasn't gonna cut it. So, after deciding that I wanted to grow my hair out, but not necessarily grow it out of the cut it was currently in or even do the whole "transition" thing, I asked my Husband to shave my head...and he did!

I've never been bald before...not even as a my newly shaved head took a bit of getting used to...BUT I felt sooooo liberated!  I no longer had to worry so much about my hair, and for once, I could appreciate that!

Now, my hair is growing back like wildfire...its soft, curly, a bit unruly and THICK as ever...I never knew just how much work being a Naturalista actually is, but I'm embracing every aspect of this journey as also doesn't hurt that I am learning to love and care for my natural hair while also encouraging my beautiful baby girl to love and embrace her naturally curly (and oh so beautiful) hair herself...

There's soooo much more that I plan to share with you, but I don't want to overwhelm you with it all at I think I'll return in a few days to catch you up on everything else that's been going on in my life...

In the meantime, check me out on PINTEREST...I pin my heart out during my free time, so you will get a glimpse into my interests, inspirations, wants, and style all by looking at my pinboards!!!

***All Images used in this post are credited to Google***

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A.M. Inspiration...

Good Morning Socialites!

Sometimes we all need a li'l something extra to help us get our day started...and when I need that extra uumph, I turn to music.  Although I've considered this particular song my "Unofficial Personal Anthem" for quite some time, because I'm "fruitful, beautiful, smart, lovable, huggable, doable like art, suitable to be part of his life, coppertone, oh I'm copyright infringement," it had actually been a while since I sat and meditated on these lyrics...however, after doing so this morning, I felt renewed!  In a society where women of African Descent are NOT celebrated NEARLY ENOUGH, its refreshing to hear a song (by two Men of African Descent) that sings our praises so to speak.  So, I urge you to sit back, press play, and CELEBRATE the "Brown Skin Lady" that you are too!!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Thoughtful Tuesday...

Hello Socialites!!!
I want to start off with the very first of my weekly blog posts being all about the Self-Made Socialite’s personal philosophy, which you can see above!
As I take you through the journey of my life, thoughts, and aspirations, I want to give you the best insight possible…so here goes:
As I have entered into my third decade of life (translation, I turned 30 not too long ago), I have finally come to the conclusion that I AM WHO I WANT TO BE…my existence is not dependant nor based upon others’ desires or definitions of who I can/should be.  I am happy with the woman I’ve become, but I am not content…thus, I strive daily to be the best ME that I can be, and I encourage you to do the same! 
I’ve named this blog “Adventures of the Self-Made Socialite,” because I feel this title best describes who and where I am at this point in my life.  After experiencing a couple of tumultuous years, filled with many high and low points, I have begun to look at life as being an adventure of sorts…filled with many learning lessons and opportunities,  which are all destined to mold me into the oh so Fabulous Socialite that I aspire to be.
Soooo, exactly WHAT do I mean by Self-Made Socialite?  I envision the Self-Made Socialite to be a woman that is Strong, Intelligent, Well-Read, Well-Traveled, Philanthropic, with killer Personal Style.  Not perfect, yet striving for perfection in all that she does.  Humble, Kind, Considerate, always striving to better not just herself, but those around her as well.
The Self-Made Socialite wears many hats, yet manages to juggle them all effectively.  She is a Mother, a Wife/Significant Other, a Sister, a Daughter, a Friend, a Business Woman…simply put, she’s “EVERY Woman.”
She is me…She is you…she is the women that we admire and look-up to, who have come from meager beginnings, yet have managed through hard work and tenacity, to “make something of themselves,” be they successful Mothers, Educators, or Corporate Executives.  She is the woman that we raise our Daughters to be and the type of woman that we pray our Sons marry…Confident, Driven, and Secure with the Beautiful Woman that she has become.  She’s Beautiful not only externally, but internally as well…and SHE knows this, without anyone telling her at all…
But understand this…she is not perfect, and she understands and embraces this fact.  She can be stubborn, impatient, and even a bit self-centered from time to time…but she has learned to embrace her imperfections too…and uses the moments when these less flattering pieces of her existence present themselves as life lessons…so that eventually, she will have tamed those characteristics completely.
As I have entered into my third decade of life (translation, I turned 30 not too long ago), I have finally come to the conclusion that I AM WHO I WANT TO BE…my existence is not dependant nor based upon others’ desires or definitions of who I can/should be.  I am happy with who I am, but I am not content…I strive daily to be the best ME that I can be, and I encourage you to do the same! 
Simply put, I am the Self-Made Socialite.   WHO are you?

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Who is She???

WHO is she???


[self-meyd] adjective
having succeeded in life unaided: He is a self-made man.
made by oneself.


[soh-shuh-lahyt] noun
a socially prominent person.


Welcome!!! I am honored that you have chosen to join me on my Blogging journey...I promise my Adventures definitely won't bore you at all.  Please bear with me as I gather my thoughts...I promise it will definitely be worth it!